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Setting up the development environment


The environment will be setup for you automatically if you use Fluence CLI

To build Marine modules you need to install a CLI tool called marine that uses the Rust wasm32-wasi target and Marine environment to compile Wasm modules.

First, install Rust and supplementary tools:

# install the Rust compiler and tools to `~/.cargo/bin`
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# add Rust tools to the current PATH
source $HOME/.cargo/env
# install the nightly toolchain (the x86_64 suffix is needed for compatibility with M1, and 2022-09-15 because newer rust generates wasm we temporarily do not support)
rustup install nightly-2022-09-15-x86_64
# install the Rust compiler and tools to `~/.cargo/bin`
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# add Rust tools to the current PATH
source $HOME/.cargo/env
# install the nightly toolchain (the x86_64 suffix is needed for compatibility with M1, and 2022-09-15 because newer rust generates wasm we temporarily do not support)
rustup install nightly-2022-09-15-x86_64

To be able to compile Rust in Wasm, install the wasm32-wasi compilation target:

# install wasm32-wasi target for WebAssembly
rustup +nightly-2022-09-15-x86_64 target add wasm32-wasi
# install wasm32-wasi target for WebAssembly
rustup +nightly-2022-09-15-x86_64 target add wasm32-wasi

To be able to use generate subcommand of marine, install the cargo-generate tool:

# install cargo-generate target for the marine tool
cargo install cargo-generate
# install cargo-generate target for the marine tool
cargo install cargo-generate

Then, install marine and mrepl:

# install marine
cargo +nightly-2022-09-15-x86_64 install marine
# install mrepl, it requires nightly toolchain
cargo +nightly-2022-09-15-x86_64 install mrepl
# install marine
cargo +nightly-2022-09-15-x86_64 install marine
# install mrepl, it requires nightly toolchain
cargo +nightly-2022-09-15-x86_64 install mrepl